Channel: March 2015 – Anj Blogs abt Life!
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AnjTalksAbout: Publishing a Book in the Philippines


… according to self-published writer, Ms. Carla de Guzman.

I learned this during her talk at Firgun, something I attended exactly a month ago. Took me long to write it out, no? I just wasn’t able to lay it out as fast. Haha.

So let’s get the ball rolling! :3

In the Philippines, it’s hard to get published. For a new writer like Ms. Carla, there has to be a following and a fanbase for the writer and/or the work itself before it gets published. It has to have a large enough fanbase in order for a manuscript to be considered. Most books published nowadays are famous works from Wattpad. The Philippines even has a channel that turns famous Wattpad stories into a couple of mini-TV series. Given what she was told, Ms. Carla felt that, in order to give her work some justice, she should self-publish. There are many companies out there that publish a small order of books at a time. You’d have to be able to do the math in order to know how many you need in order to breakeven.

Ms. Carla has mentioned that a self-published writer should be three things: the writer, the publisher, and the seller. Obviously, you need a manuscript before you can publish anything. Being the publisher and seller as well is a totally different story on a whole new level.

As a publisher, you need three people in order to get the manuscript to look like a book: an editor, a cover artist, and a formatter. She suggests to get an editor instead of asking your friend to do it. Hiring someone to do it for you is better since this person will not lie to you or sugarcoat anything. Her editor has helped her turn Cities into a better work of art. As for her cover artist, she was lucky to have siblings who are artists so she was able to get a cover for a small fee. Lastly, a formatter is there to help turn the manuscript into a page-by-page work. There’s also the ebook format to think about as well. It is also best to hire someone so that you’re assured that it goes well. You have to spend a little since your book is an investment in its own. You have to make it sellable, after all.

Now, as the seller, you have to know how many books to breakeven and how to make profit since it is, as mentioned, an investment. There are many online mediums like Amazon, Smashwords, and Kobu among others. You also have to find a way for the market to come to you or you come to them. For Ms. Carla, she posted in a online market on FB promoting her book. She also asked help from her siblings to help her sell the book, with a commission fee.

This appears easier in writing but hey, always remember that you have the power to make your dreams come true. Wanna be a published writer in the Philippines? Here’s a way for you to be published. Here’s hoping that someday, I’d be like Ms. Carla too! But first, manuscript!

Wanna read Cities? You can buy it at Amazon or, if you’re in the Philippines, you can order from Ms. Carla at ck.deguzman@gmail.com.


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