Okay, this will be a break from my China posts because I just had this rather shocking experience tonight: my mom just called me a lesbian.
I have nothing against lesbians. I have bisexual friends and lesbian classmates from high school. I respect them for their choices.
I am just not one. But my mom thinks I am because I don’t have a boyfriend. I never have had one.
She has always teased me about wanting to meet someone but honestly, there is no one to meet. I am not seeing anyone at all and I’m fine with that. She, apparently, isn’t.
I don’t see what’s so wrong with being single. I enjoy my independence from any romantic relationship. I love my freedom of choice. So why pressure me into being in a relationship?
I understand that I am the only single second generation under the 20 and above age category. Most of my cousins from my mother’s side are married. As for my father’s side, half are married and the rest are either in a relationship or too young to be in one. I don’t give much of a damn.
She also told me to quit cosplaying so that someone would take me seriously and enjoy my young life. I have never been that insulted by my own mother before. I mean, I have many single friends who are enjoying their young lives. I enjoy my young life the way I know how and it doesn’t involve a relationship. So why?
I’m just ranting because this is the first time I am called a lesbian. I found it shocking because I never had any inclination towards liking girls in a sexual/romantic sense. I didn’t understand how my mother who rarely sees me nowadays could think I am a lesbian. Myuuur.
At this point, I am sort of over it. I’m calm and will move forward from that comment. Lastly, I’d like to apologize for my mother’s insensitivity to lesbians. I know you made your choice in romantic relationships and it’s not because you can’t find boyfriends. I’m so sorry.
So sorry,